Volumize and Lengthen Your Locks

Come to us for luxury hair extension in Fort Lauderdale, FL

Cutting your long hair may seem like the best thing to do during the hot summer weather. But come winter, you might miss your long locks.  Easily switch things up with custom hair extensions.

Terry Allison Studio in Fort Lauderdale, FL can give you luxury hair extensions to create the long and voluminous style you’re looking for. We use all-natural hair pieces that can be colored, texturized and blended perfectly with your own hair. We’ll take you from short and sweet to long and lush in no time!

Connect with us today to learn more about our custom hair extensions.

Switch it up effortlessly

You don’t have to wait months or years for your hair to grow out before you can rock a long pony or braids. Volumize and lengthen your locks with custom hair extensions from Terry Allison Studio. Call today to book your…

Hair extension consultation: 1 hour at $50

New hair extension install: 3 hours starting at $1100

Extension move-up: 2 hours starting at $200

We look forward to helping you find your perfect look.

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